Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Well hello there...

Nicaragua is fast approaching and I am getting more and more excited for what God has planned.  My name is Zack, and I will be joining the team for only the last week they are in Nicaragua because of some conflicting commitments I have already made.  Nevertheless, I am very excited for this trip.  God has been preparing me for this trip this summer in ways I could not of foreseen. This summer I have been involved with a Spanish church called Iglesia Vida Nueva.  I have been helping lead worship most of the summer with the pastor of the church, and last week I led worship on my own.  Consequently, I have learned many new Spanish worship songs and have brushed up on my Spanish speaking skills.  I have also been attending a Spanish bible study of the book of Juan (John).  I have grown spiritually and have improved my Spanish speaking skills all summer and God has truly been preparing me for this trip.  I hope to use these skills in Nicaragua as I will be bringing a guitar for worship as well as several song books with both Spanish and English songs.  I will continue to pray for all the members of the "Nica-team" as they have already begun their journey to Central America.  Please keep us in your prayers!  -God Bless   

1 comment:

Hillary said...

hey nica-team! hope things are going well!!! love you and praying for you guys!!